Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Principles Of Communicative Language Teaching - 2063 Words

Principles of Communicative Language Teaching The ever-growing need for good communication skills in English has created a huge demand for English teaching all over the world. Nowadays, many people want to improve their command of English or to ensure that their children achieve a good command of English. The worldwide ultimatum for English has created a gigantic demand for quality language teaching, language teaching materials and resources, and appropriate teaching methodologies. Accordingly, the field of second or world language teaching has undergone many trends and shifts, over the last few decades. To achieve such demands, several methods have come and gone. We have seen the Audio-lingual Method, cognitive based approaches, the Total Physical Response (TPR), the Natural Approach, and many others. The belief that there is one single best method that meets the goals and the needs of all learners and programs has turned out to be bogus. What has emerged is a variety of communicative language teaching (CLT) methodologies which are seen as the most effective approaches to ELT. Communicative Language Teaching emerged in the 1970’s as a reaction to the traditional language teaching approaches. Since older methods, such as Audiolingualism and Situational Language Teaching, fell out of fashion CLT arose and soon spread worldwide. (Richards, 2006) There was a huge controversy among applied linguists concerning the centrality of grammar in language teaching and learning. It wasShow MoreRelatedCommunicative Approach1566 Words   |  7 PagesLANGUAJE TEACHING : THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROCHE I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach 2. Two principles of communicative approach †¢ Create a realistic situation †¢ The class should be students-centered III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and speak, and achieve the goal of English teaching 1. Three stages in communicative teachingRead MoreThe Western Training And Communicative Language Teaching1449 Words   |  6 Pages 1. Analyses the generic structure of the article The article is discussing the Western training and Communicative language teaching and mainly it argues about the impact of these teachings on a person who belongs from other languages. The role of TESOL is important here and the opinion and views of the other language teachers have been described. The discussion made in paper is in a proper and significant manner that is holding a generic structure for understanding. On the very first the paperRead MoreThe Pedagogical Aspects Of Communicative Language Teaching984 Words   |  4 PagesCommunicative Language Teaching This essay will take just a peek at some of the pedagogical aspects of Communicative Language Teaching and the teachers therein. As the U. K. entered the common market (EEC) in the early 1970s. A sharp rise in demand from our new European neighbours for The English Language landed on our shores. Due to the modernization of secondary schools not only in Europe but indeed worldwide, languages were a hot commodity and many were on offer, English being most sort afterRead MoreThe Audio Lingual Method For Teaching English Language Learners1508 Words   |  7 Pagesvariety of researched methods for teaching English Language Learners (ELLs) exist and most of them tend to claim communicative language use as their main goal, but this goal is not clearly evident in every method that claims it due in part to differences that arise from linguistic focuses versus psychological viewpoints. 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The national English curriculum made a major paradigm shift in mandating English as a compulsory subject in schools and universities. The English teaching method was influenced by western educational ideology of ‘values system’ or ‘classicalRead MoreConstructivism and Connectivism as Theories of Learning Essay1554 Words   |  7 Pagescourse or a skill. Computers are used in language learning and teaching ,so many new terms are coined to explain this process. CALL was first introduced on university mainframe computers. It is an acronym of computer assisted language learning It may be defined as the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning Levy M. (1997). CALL is introduced in programs to assist language learning. There are many types of CALL programs. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Law as a Living Body Free Essays

Laws in America are constantly changing. With the changes that America has the laws do not get updated with the change of time. These laws are no longer enforced because they do not seem as bad with the changes in society. We will write a custom essay sample on Law as a Living Body or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are three phases that America operates its legal system. Law as a living body, Due process and protecting the rights of the accused. Laws are considered a living body because the laws have been changed and interpreted differently in different cases that laws have become like a living body. The living human body evolves and grows with time. The body adapts to the changes in society as does the law. Law on the books refers to the written laws. Law in action refers to the laws that are actively being used and punishable for. For example, in some states Adultery is against the law but is rarely enforced. This means the law of adultery is a law on the books not a law in action. A law in Action is a law such as sex abuse that is often enforced in every state. Objectivity of law is how and where the laws are made and interpreted. Legislatures create basic laws where judges and juries can interpret them. The living body theory refers to the way laws are constantly changing and evolving like a human body. The human body evolves and changes with the times. Due process is best defined in one word, fairness. Throughout the U. S. ‘s history, its constitutions, statutes and case law have provided standards for fair treatment of citizens by federal, state and local governments. These standards are known as due process. When a person is treated unfairly by the government, including the courts, he is said to have been deprived of or denied due process. In 1791, our Fifth Amendment rights protected all individuals, American born and immigrants, basic protection from the federal government regarding civil rights violations. The positives of due process are that a person must be proven guilty not proven innocent in the court of law. If the Officers that are investigated and prosecuting a person of a crime do not fallow the laws of due process from the very beginning to the end the case may be dismissed from court. The negatives of due process are that even a guilty person may be let free if due process laws are not fallowed correctly. Another negative is that due process focuses on the rights as individuals rather than on society as a whole. Prior to the attacks on 09/11/2001, Individuals were protected by the 4th amendment. The fourth amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. Law enforcement needed to have probable cause to gain a search warrant. President Bush passed the patriot act, allowing law enforcement the right to search or seize telephones, computers, medical information or financial records on any person who is suspected of terrorism. With the Patriot act probable cause is no longer needed if a person is suspected of terrorism. The Due process of Law was created to protect the rights of those accused of committing a crime. Some of these laws date to 100 years ago and some are new laws that were developed as a result of historical court cases. Cases such as, the fourth amendment, this protects all individuals from illegal search and seizures (Mapp v. Ohio, 1961) Our fifth amendment protects individuals from self-incrimination, (Miranda v.  Arizona, 1966) And the sixth amendment protects us from being interrogated without a counsel present (Escobedo v. Illinois, 1964) Law as a living body is constantly changing and will continue to grow with the change in times. We are still protected as citizens with the changes in society. Our rights as well as the rights of others will continue to be a priority in law enforcement. Law enforcement is meant to protect society from crime, not to cause it by not valuing the rights of citizens. As society changes, the laws will too. How to cite Law as a Living Body, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Symbolism Of The Great Gatsby Essay Research free essay sample

Symbolism Of The Great Gatsby Essay, Research Paper Symbolism IN THE GREAT GATSBY Frazer McIntoshs There are many grounds why F. Scott Fitzgerald is renowned as one of the greatest writers of his clip, and one of those grounds is his sophisticated usage of symbolism. This is apparent throughout The Great Gatsby, one of Fitzgerald s most celebrated plants. While there are infinite cases of the usage of symbolism, some of those most of import to the subjects in The Great Gatsby are the East and West Eggs, the green visible radiation, and the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg. From the really first chapter, there is a noticeable difference between the two parts of the metropolis. In fact, Nick make the point that West Egg is, the well, the less stylish of the two ( 9 ) . The importance of this difference lies in the fact that one of the major subjects of the novel is category and societal standing. We will write a custom essay sample on Symbolism Of The Great Gatsby Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most of the characters face some kind of category boundaries, so the East and West Eggs act as a symbol for the barriers by demoing a physical separation of the two categories. The people populating in East Egg, Tom and Daisy, are the more refined of the two groups. They represent the old money and are particularly superficial and mercenary. Those who come from West Egg, on the other manus, are non a sophisticated in the eyes of the East Eggers, and can non hold a genuinely high societal standing, irrespective of how affluent they are, since they are new money. The societal barrier is can be found in that Gatsby can non hold Daisy because she is a true rich miss, and the fact that neither Tom nor Daisy are willing to accept what the see at Gatsby s 2nd party, even though Tom is being hypocritical when you consider that his ain parties were no more refined in nature than Gatsby s. Gatsby is hop elessly separated from his dream, merely as East Egg is separated from West Egg. In add-on to the physical spread that Gatsby wishes to shut, the green visible radiation coming from Daisy s dock symbolizes the yearning Gatsby has for Daisy. Additionally, it besides represents Gatsby s great dream a whole. He longs for wealth and credence every bit good as Daisy. No how much he has, nevertheless, his yearning is still at that place every bit long as Daisy is non with him, since everything else he wants is in actuality merely portion of his dream to hold Daisy once more. It is deserving taking note that his yearning is represented by the colour viridity, which is associated with money and enviousness. So, the green visible radiation that ever burns at the terminal of dock, represents everything Gatsby longs for. At the terminal of the book, Nick remarks on the green visible radiation: # 8220 ; Gatsby believed in the green visible radiation, the orgastic hereafter that twelvemonth by twelvemonth recedes before us. It eluded us so, but that # 8217 ; s no matter- to morrow we will run quicker, stretch out our weaponries farther # 8230 ; And one mulct morning- # 8221 ; ( 189 ) . A concluding major symbol of The Great Gatsby is the hoarding near Wilson s garage, with the eyes of Dr. Eckleburg. Because most of the characters do non look to hold any values or guilt for their misbehaviors, Fitzgerald implements the eyes of Eckleburg as a agency of judging those who do non fear judgement for their careless actions. They are near Wilson s house because of the events that happen at that place, particularly the struggle between Tom, Myrtle and George, ( and Daisy to some extent ) where they are all rip offing on one another, and of class, Myrtle s decease due to the careless behaviour of Daisy. Fitzgerald uses the judging eyes of Eckleburg to stress the deficiency of guilt in this civilization, and to do a point that possibly these offenses do necessitate to be punished.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ocean Carriers free essay sample

Introduction †¢ Ocean Carriers Inc. owned and operated cape-size dry bulk carriers worldwide. †¢ Major Cargo type : Iron ore. †¢ Vessel sizes : 80000 DWT to 210000 DWT. †¢ Cape-size carriers travel around Cape Horn rather than the Panama Canal due to size constraints. Operations Maintenance Maintaining Supplies And on board Stores Supply of Lubricants Cargo Operations Repairs Insurance Business Model †¢ Mostly chartered on â€Å"time charter † basis for one, three , or five year periods. †¢ Occasionally spot charter market was used too. †¢ Charterer paid a daily hire rate for entire duration. †¢ They controlled where the cargo was  loaded and unloaded and also determined the cargo. †¢ OC Inc. supplied a qualified crew along Brief History †¢ In 2003, the average daily operating costs amounted to $ 4000. †¢ This cost increased annually at 1% due to inflation. †¢ Charterers were not charged for days spent in maintenanc e and repair but operating cost were still incurred. Maintenance Work Time Details †¢ Initially 8 days a year for repairs and maintenance. We will write a custom essay sample on Ocean Carriers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †¢ This time increased to 12 days per year for ships operating for more than 5 years. †¢ For ships operating for more than 10 years the repair and maintenance days increased to 16 day per year. Operating Policies †¢ Ocean Carriers didn’t operate ships which were more than 15 years old. †¢ As per international maritime regulations they underwent special surveys every 5 years for seaworthiness of the carriers. †¢ As per the norms maintenance costs of ships older than 15 years was too high. †¢ To avoid these costs they sold the ships in scrap or second hand market before SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses †¢ New and Larger vessels compared to industry †¢ So premium is earned compared to market †¢ Too much dependence on basic industries †¢ Not much product differentiation Opportunities Threats †¢ Great demand for iron ore and coal products in a strong economy †¢ Australian production and Indian Exports creating long term demand †¢ Probability of defaulting of Charterer †¢ Future estimates not entirely reliable Case Brief †¢ Background: – Mary Linn, VP Finance at OC Inc is evaluating options whether to invest and if yes how to invest in the new ship to be leased in 2003 †¢ Aim: – To evaluate the various options of capital budgeting, leasing, owning and resale of the new project ANALYSIS Assumptions †¢ Ocean Carriers is a U. S. firm †¢ Discount rate is taken to be 9% †¢ In case of 15 year life of the ship, theresale value in 2017 is calculated by assuming that the ‘then discount rate’ would be 12% †¢ Corporate tax rate is assumed to be 35% (Source: US Federal Reserve Data Release, 2001) Assumptions Continued †¢ Ocean Carriers is located in Hong Kong, where owners of Hong Kong ships are not requ ired to pay any tax on profits made overseas and are also exempted from paying any tax on profit made on cargo uplifted from Hong Kong. †¢ Discount rate is 9% †¢ Inflation rate is 0. 4% (Source: Central Bank of China data release, 2001) Options Available Don’t invest in new ship Build Operate for 15 yrs Sell off or scrapthereafter What to choose? Build Operate for 15 yrs Sell off or scrap thereafter Option. Years Life †¢ The DCF analysis of this option gives us the following results: Option 2 : 25 years life †¢ The DCF analysis of this option gives us the following results: Business Implications of the analysis: Assume the company is based Recommendations †¢ NPVs of both the options are negative †¢ Also, the IRR of both the options are less than the existing discount rate †¢ As a result, we recommend that Ocean Carriers Inc. should not go for the investment in the ship †¢ The tax rate of 35% is considerablylarge †¢ The initial $39 million purchase of the new ship is never fully recovered by expected future revenues since NPV is negative in both the cases †¢ Thus, the investment is too much of a Business Implications of the analysis: Assume the company is based in HK Recommendations †¢ Considering the zero tax assumption, we can see that the NPV of both the options is positive and that for 15 year life is more than the 25 year life †¢ Thu s, assuming the company is based in Hong Kong, the company must go for the 15 year life option owing to the higher NPV Reasons for selecting the 15 years life option †¢ As stated earlier, the NPV of this option is more than the other †¢ As the ship gets older than 15 years, the hire rate starts decreasing more rapidly as seen from Exhibit 4 †¢ As it can be seen from the following graph, the hire rate reduces more rapidly after 2017 Expected Daily Hire Rate vs Age Sell of the ship and don’t scrap †¢ As seen in Exhibit 6, the ship has the potential to generate cash flows even after 15 years †¢ The estimated resale value of the ship at the end of 15 years assuming that the life can be extended up to 25 years is $2,41,78,423 †¢ This value is significantly higher than the  scrap value of $5,000,000 †¢ Also, the company has a policy of not operating the ships older than 15 years old †¢ But, there exists a potential for selling off the ship since some other companies do Continued†¦. †¢ The current inflation was pegged at 0. 4%. But, in case in the future years, say 15 years hence, if the inflati on rises above 0. 4%, then there would be a significant increase in the operating costs and working capital requirements †¢ Thus, the current forecasts for 20 -25 years down the line may not hold good †¢ Thus, even with this case it is better Ocean Carriers Inc. should accept the 3 year contract †¢ Amount recovered by the initial contract is $17,192,594 †¢ Many a times, new ships may not be leased out immediately after delivery because of low demand †¢ But, in this case, the ship can be immediately leased out: meaning it can generate cash inflows immediately on commission †¢ Also, since the client is in utter need of the ship, he may offer the company a premium of 10-15% which is beneficial for Ocean Carriers Inc. Our Recommendations Invest in new ship OC Inc is HK Based OC Inc is US Based Operate it for 15 yrs followed by resale Accept the initial 3 yr contract for Don’t invest in new ship